12 Questions for a legend… Catscan

1. How has Covid affected your routine?
Covid hasn’t really affected my routine. I do miss the parties, especially for inspiration to make music and especially as an outlet for the everyday.

2. Who or what is a source of inspiration for you?
My biggest source of inspiration has always been Marc Acardipane and Miro.

3. How much influence does music have on your life?
I’ve been working full time as an artist since 2000, so music is almost literally my life.

4. What is / was your ultimate high?
My ultimate high must be the performances of “Catscan Live at Thunderdome 2001” (in the Heineken Hall) and “Sensation Black 2006” with “De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig”. In terms of production, the “high” comes from the fact that I was part of the changes the hardcore genre has undergone. And of course the 45 million streams that I have on Spotify. I can go on for a while, but I will leave it at that.

5. What do you have in store for the coming months in the field of music?
Like I said, music is my full-time job, so there’s still a lot to come. Currently I am working with several artists and a 163BPM Catscan track is also on the way.

6. How much influence does your environment have on your taste?
My environment does not really influence my taste, I have always followed my own path.

7. What is perfection for you?
There is always room for improvement, so in other words: “perfection does not exist”. You can strive for it, but where do you eventually stop to not keep striving endlessly?

8. Suppose you were obliged to forbid something, what would that be?
Waiting times, I am quite impatient J.

9. To apply what we call “divide and conquer”: Android or Apple?

10. Describe the Hardcore scene in the year 2020. And what would you change to that year with today’s information?
The hardcore scene is too much “trend following” and it should mainly be “trend making”. There is a lack of innovation and producers who follow their own path.

11. Suppose you had an unlimited budget, what would you do?
With an unlimited budget in my hands I would have a large studio complex built, with the best studio equipment where I can help starting and established producers.

12. What did you think of the 90’s “gabber” concept?
That was a big part of my life for me. I have good memories of it to the point that it was pulled into the ridiculous by tracks like “Gabbertje” (etc.).

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