Gabber of the week: Elan Core [@elan.core]


The most important thing about the hardcore scene is that we are one big family. We don’t care about religion, politics, age, gender or the color of your skin… all we care about is your love for hardcore! Every week we will present a member of the gabber family as the ‘Gabber of the week’.

This week’s gabber of the week: Elan Core [@elan.core]

Can you describe in one sentence what being a gabber means to you?
“I am a gabber of the second generation and being a gabber is a feeling, a connection you have with the people and the music. It’s something to hold on to in hard times and something that makes the good times even better.”

At what age you started listening hardcore music? Do your friends also listen to it?
“As my mom also listened to hardcore music, I already started listening since I was an unborn child :). I have a lot of friends that also like the music, and I’m a model for Gabba clique.” (Missed our interview with the leading lady behind Gabba clique, you can still read it here:

What was the first hardcore party you went to?
“It was Coredoom XL in Holland. A solo party thrown by DJ Lady Dammage.”

What’s your favorite style of hardcore?
“That would be early terror.”

Who’s your favorite artist?
“My favorite artist is Reeza, an early terror DJ from Holland.”

What will be your next party?
“My next party is Pandemonium, which I am very looking forward to.”

the dark horror

Check out his Instagram profile at:


Want to be featured as a ‘Gabber of the week’ yourself? Send us a DM at or use the submit news form:

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Hardcore Maniacs