Thunderdome wordt day-time evenement van 15:00 tot 00:00


Door de aanhoudende corona maatregelen in Nederland, zal Thunderdome overdag plaatsvinden. De datum van 11.12.2021 blijft ongewijzigd. Corona is een vreemd virus dat blijkbaar enkel ‘s nachts actief is, volgens de Nederlandse regering althans 🙂 De officiële mededeling van de organisatie luidt als volgt:

If we cannot rave during the night, we will rave twice as hard during the day! The Dutch government has not yet lifted the current restrictions on large scale events in The Netherlands. Therefore, we have decided to reschedule Thunderdome to 03:00 PM – 00:00 AM CET. All artists on the line-up have been confirmed for the adjusted times. 

All tickets for Thunderdome 2021 will remain valid for the adjusted times: 03:00 PM – 00:00 AM CET on the 11th of December. There is no further action required from you. 

If you are not able to visit the event due to the change in times, we offer you the possibility to request a refund till the 16th of November 2021 by filling out the form below. If you have not requested a refund before the 16th of November 2021 11:59 PM, your ticket will automatically stay valid for this edition.

Gabbers, see you on the 11th of December 👊
Thunderdome verplaatst naar overdag

Deze vind je misschien ook leuk

Hardcore Maniacs